Author Spotlight – Alex Jane

Please help me welcome Alex Jane to the LGBTQIA Author Spotlight. She comes to us from the UK on the south coast.

Describe your books/your writing for the readers. 

I write more fluffy, found family books as Alex Jane but also horror romance as Alexis Jane. It’s nice to be able to switch between the two and right now I’m working on a series that has both as a bit of an experiment. I can’t wait to see what people think!

What is something that makes you unique (personally or within your writing)?

I don’t know if it’s unique but I have a bad habit of taking tropes and subverting them. For example, I have a shifter series but it’s based more on how actual wolf packs operate rather than the usual ABO romances (which I love btw) and a mafia MMM that isn’t very spicy at all (although my mother would probably disagree on that point).

Tell us about your writing process. Where do your ideas come from? Do you plan/plot or totally wing it?

I’m a planster. I usually have an idea pop into my head when I’m listening to music or vacuuming or something, but it’s almost always a single scene or conversation. After thinking about it a bit, I can usually see how the story will end and then I just have to figure out how to get from Point A to Point B and make it interesting. Most of the time I only have a vague idea for a chapter until I start writing and then it just seems to work itself out.

What was an early experience where you learned that language had power? 

I’ve always loved stories. My mum was great at bedtime stories (especially the voices) and I have a lot of memories of wandering the library. My grandfather was a great story teller too. He would tell us fantastic tales of when he was a small boy growing up in the Welsh Valleys, his adventures, or rather misadventures, with his band of friends. Looking back now, I think they weren’t so much reminiscences as tall tales but he had such a great way of describing everything, talking with his whole body and leaving all the grandchildren rapt. To be transported to another place and time was magical.

What is your favorite childhood book?

Grimms Fairy Tales Illustrated by Arthur Rackham

What is one of the best feelings in the world?

When my dog uses my shoulder as a pillow.

If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?

My dog. She’s a spoiled brat and, honestly, she’s pretty rude now. I got her some talking buttons and she only uses them to bully me.

What’s a sound you absolutely love?

The dawn chorus. I have Birdsong FM on right now!

Favorite snack while writing? 

I don’t usually eat while I’m writing but there is usually a packet of Rich Tea Biscuits on hand for emergencies.

Favorite drink when writing?


Favorite scent?


If someone is new to your writing, which book would you suggest they start with?

If you like found family, I would say my debut novel, Home Is Where You Are.

Where can readers find your books? 

I have a buylinks for all my books on my website, either direct from me or on Amazon –

Big thanks to Alex for stepping into the spotlight today! Check out her books; you may find a new favorite author to read.